The Segregation of Schools (Again!)

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"We are sleepwalking our way to segregation." said by Trevor Phillips. Study shows that most severe segregation in public schools is in the Western states, including California—not in the South. Segregation today is as bad if not worse as it was in the 1950's. The split up between Blacks and Latinos against Whites is ridiculous considering the time period. The Civil Rights Movement was over five decades ago. People say history repeats itself. However, when it effects the everyday learning of our children over an issue that should have been resolved over five decades ago, thats when you have to look at where the priorities are of the "head people in charge"
Black or Latinos are being segregated to low scoring schools while Whites get to go to higher performing schools. In Charlotte, N.C, White families are moving to suburban areas so that they can send their kids to the "higher achieving" schools, leaving the Black and Latino families in the urban areas to send their kids to the urban schools. They [the White families] partake in a "Choice" program to ensure that their kids get into programs right away. However, in certain situations, I think Blacks and Latinos enjoy being separated. When a Black or Latino family has a child that shows a true interest in learning and their education, where do they send them. To a "White school". So, in reality, can we get mad when a White family does it to? "Segregation was wrong when it was forced by white people, and I believe it us still wrong when it is requested by black people" said by Coretta Scott King.
In conclusion, segregation in schools is something that is still happening today and something that will most likely be on going. Segregation can probably be found in various other places, but no one pays attention to it. In a way, no matter where you go to school you can still be success. On the same token, schools do matter. However, race shouldn't.

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